Preacher,  Evangelist, and Author  of over 40 Books &Booklets  

A Pyle Of Books

Do You Have It?

It's the theme of the Bible.

God's answer to man's sin.  

Romans 3:23 declares that we've all sinned and come short of the glory of God. Sin has separated us from God. It is impossible for sinners to enter the presence of a holy God in our present state.  That's why He said, "Ye must be born again!" (John 3:7).   We must have a brand new life from above to ever enter Heaven.

Man cannot save himself.

The Bible makes this abundantly clear. Good works will not do it. (See Titus 3:5; Ephesians 2: 8-9).  No preacher, priest or religious leader can get you in (John 1:l3).

God did not want us to perish and sent His Son to die in our stead.   Because Christ was holy and sinless, He could thus atone for our sins.   (John 3:16; 18;  1 Peter 3:18;  1 Peter 2:24-25).
God tells us we can now be saved and be sure of Heaven by believing on Christ and taking Him as our own personal Saviour.  To believe on Him is to receive Him. (John 1:12)(Acts 16:31)(John 5:24).  
The price for sin has been paid.  Salvation is now offered to you as a free gift (2 Corinthians. 9:15; Romans 6:23).
The next move is your move.

Believe on Him right now.  Trust Him.  Tell Him you trust Him and claim His promised forgiveness.  He will save you now.  

Be sure to  e-mail us and let us rejoice with you, and give you further instruction on what to do next!
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